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Journal of Chromatography B: Biomedical Sciences and Applications
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved

Volume 711, Issues 1-2,
Pages 1-329 (26 June 1998)

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Editorial, Page 1

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Driving forces for phase separation and partitioning in aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 3-17
Hans-Olof Johansson, Gunnar Karlström, Folke Tjerneld and Charles A. Haynes
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Influence of temperature upon protein partitioning in poly(ethylene glycol)¯salt aqueous two-phase systems close to the critical point with some observations relevant to the partitioning of particles, Pages 19-29
Sylvie de Belval, Benedicte le Breton, Jonathan Huddleston and Andrew Lyddiatt
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Protein recovery using gas¯liquid dispersions, Pages 31-43
Matthew Noble, Alistair Brown, Paula Jauregi, Anita Kaul and Julie Varley
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Consistent view of electrolytes in aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 45-52
Andreas Pfennig, Albrecht Schwerin and Johann Gaube
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Effect of electrolytes and surfactants on the thermoseparation of an ethylene oxide¯propylene oxide random copolymer in aqueous solution, Pages 53-60
Maria Teresa Cunha, Folke Tjerneld, Joaquim M. S. Cabral and Maria Raquel Aires-Barros
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Poly(ethylene glycol)¯salt aqueous two-phase systems with easily recyclable volatile salts, Pages 61-68
Mos van Berlo, Karel Ch. A. M. Luyben and Luuk A. M. van der Wielen
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Polymer¯protein interactions in aqueous two phase systems: fluorescent studies of the partition behaviour of human serum albumin, Pages 69-79
Bénédicte Lebreton, Jonathan Huddleston and Andrew Lyddiatt
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Influence of system and process parameters on partitioning of cheese whey proteins in aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 81-90
Marco Rito-Palomares and Miguel Hernandez
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Aqueous two-phase systems: a novel approach for the separation of proteose peptones, Pages 91-96
F. H. Isgrove, R. J. H. Williams, G. W. Niven and A. T. Andrews
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Purification of recombinant apolipoprotein A-1Milano expressed in Escherichia coli using aqueous two-phase extraction followed by temperature-induced phase separation, Pages 97-109
Josefine Persson, Lena Nyström, Hans Ageland and Folke Tjerneld
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Selective separation process of proteins based on the heat stress-induced translocation across phospholipid membranes, Pages 111-116
Hiroshi Umakoshi, Toshinori Shimanouchi and Ryoichi Kuboi
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Salt-steered partitioning of proteins in polymeric two-phase systems based on N,N-dimethylformamide, Pages 117-126
Helle Truust and Göte Johansson
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Separation of proteins and viruses using two-phase aqueous micellar systems, Pages 127-138
Chia-li Liu, Daniel T. Kamei, Jonathan A. King, Daniel I. C. Wang and Daniel Blankschtein
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Comparison of Mg2+-dependent ATP hydrolase activities of pea nodule symbiosomes and of pea root plasmalemma, obtained by an aqueous polymer two-phase system, Pages 139-149
Patricia Rojas-Ojeda, Luis E. Hernández, Nicholas J. Brewin and Ramón Carpena-Ruiz
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Cutinase purification on poly(ethylene glycol)¯hydroxypropyl starch aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 151-159
M. C. Almeida, A. Venâncio, J. A. Teixeira and M. R. Aires-Barros
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Concentration and purification of -glucosidase from Aspergillus niger by using aqueous two-phase partitioning, Pages 161-172
Göte Johansson and Kati Reczey
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Aqueous two-phase partition and detergent precipitation of a drug-responsive NADH oxidase from the HeLa cell surface, Pages 173-184
Dorothy M. Morré, Mark Sweeting and D. James Morré
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Aqueous two-phase systems as an alternative process route for the fractionation of small inclusion bodies, Pages 185-194
Simon G. Walker and Andrew Lyddiatt
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Effect of centrifugation on separation by aqueous two-phase partition of an early and late endosome model using inside-out plasma membrane vesicles from plants, Pages 195-201
D. James Morré, A. David Peter, Dorothy M. Morré and James M. Van Alstine
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Separation of endosomes by aqueous two-phase partition and free-flow electrophoresis, Pages 203-215
D. James Morré, Dorothy M. Morré and James M. Van Alstine
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Enzyme release from heat-stressed cell membranes as a function of hydrophobicity evaluated by using aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 217-222
Hiroshi Umakoshi and Ryoichi Kuboi
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Centrifugal partition chromatographic reaction for the production of chiral amino acids, Pages 223-235
J. L. den Hollander, B. I. Stribos, M. J. van Buel, K. Ch. A. M. Luyben and L. A. M. van der Wielen
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Separation and recovery of food coloring dyes using aqueous biphasic extraction chromatographic resins, Pages 237-244
Jonathan G. Huddleston, Heather D. Willauer, Kathy R. Boaz and Robin D. Rogers
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Fractionation of wheat gliadins by counter-current distribution using an organic two-phase system, Pages 245-254
Helle Truust and Göte Johansson
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Partitioning of small organic molecules in aqueous biphasic systems, Pages 255-263
Robin D. Rogers, Heather D. Willauer, Scott T. Griffin and Jonathan G. Huddleston
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Amine-based aqueous polymers for the simultaneous titration and extraction of lactic acid in aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 265-275
Jordi Planas, Vassilios Varelas, Folke Tjerneld and Bärbel Hahn-Hägerdal
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Partitioning of mercury in aqueous biphasic systems and on ABEC(TM) resins, Pages 277-283
Robin D. Rogers and Scott T. Griffin
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Aqueous two-phase systems for protein separation; Studies on phase inversion, Pages 285-293
Jose C. Merchuk, Barbara A. Andrews and Juan A. Asenjo
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Variation of penicillin acylase partition coefficient with phase volume ratio in poly(ethylene glycol)¯sodium citrate aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 295-299
J. C. Marcos, L. P. Fonseca, M. T. Ramalho and J. M. S. Cabral
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Surface and metabolic properties of microcytic and macrocytic human anaemic red blood cells detected in polymer aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 301-307
Ana-Isabel García-Pérez, Pilar Sancho and Montserrat Pinilla
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Separation and purification of glucoamylase in aqueous two-phase systems by a two-step extraction, Pages 309-312
Nancy Miyuki Minami and Beatriz Vahan Kilikian
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Interfacial tension of aqueous two-phase systems containing poly(ethylene glycol) and dipotassium hydrogenphosphate, Pages 313-318
K. Mishima, K. Matsuyama, M. Ezawa, Y. Taruta, S. Takarabe and M. Nagatani
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On the kinetics of phase separation in aqueous two-phase systems, Pages 319-329
M. H. Salamanca, J. C. Merchuk, B. A. Andrews and J. A. Asenjo
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